
Info Level Experience Last seen

Voc: Master Sorcerer
Town: Thais
Premium status: No
122 29,044,762 2024-09-17 00:50:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
69 ?? Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? ?? ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-09-10 09:55:53 107 Mermao Do Color
2024-09-09 09:59:03 106 Peruanozk
2024-09-09 09:21:19 106 blaze the havoc
2024-09-08 21:50:30 107 Van Peder
2024-09-07 09:55:12 101 Aokyji
2024-09-06 20:10:16 101 a nightmare
2024-09-04 15:51:28 98 Szatan Lesny
2024-09-04 15:29:25 99 Szatan Lesny
2024-08-31 21:59:53 87 blaze the havoc
2024-08-31 00:55:39 80 a enlightened of the cult
2024-08-29 19:44:20 77 Nanox
2024-08-29 18:48:45 77 Fire Elenental
2024-08-28 18:37:57 74 a chaos hydra
2024-08-25 22:43:18 17 D'wvaria'nqla
Last 10 kills
Date Victim level Victim
2024-09-09 09:58:50 95 Sir Narcosis
2024-09-08 21:37:23 43 Pay Or Die Mother Fucker
2024-09-08 21:18:01 96 Verga Con Sida
2024-08-31 22:53:32 45 Voy Sin Tobilleras
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-09-18 09:00:00 122 29,044,762
2024-09-17 09:00:00 122 29,044,762
2024-09-16 09:00:00 122 +2 29,044,762 +1,021,344
2024-09-15 09:00:00 120 +4 28,023,418 +2,873,748
2024-09-14 09:00:00 116 +1 25,149,670 +464,663
2024-09-13 09:00:00 115 +2 24,685,007 +1,301,882
2024-09-12 09:00:00 113 +3 23,383,125 +2,378,825
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-09-18 0 seconds
2024-09-17 50 minutes
2024-09-16 23 hours, 6 minutes
2024-09-15 23 hours, 33 minutes
2024-09-14 10 hours, 38 minutes
2024-09-13 23 hours, 36 minutes
2024-09-12 23 hours, 11 minutes
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-09-16 20:39:00 still online 2d 5h 39m 53s 122
2024-09-16 18:51:00 2024-09-16 20:38:00 1h 47m 122
2024-09-16 10:13:00 2024-09-16 18:16:00 8h 3m 122
2024-09-16 08:12:00 2024-09-16 09:57:00 1h 45m 122
2024-09-15 13:04:00 2024-09-16 08:11:00 19h 7m 121
2024-09-15 10:23:00 2024-09-15 13:03:00 2h 40m 120
2024-09-15 06:09:00 2024-09-15 09:58:00 3h 49m 120
2024-09-15 02:38:00 2024-09-15 06:08:00 3h 30m 120
2024-09-14 23:32:00 2024-09-15 02:37:00 3h 5m 120
2024-09-14 20:44:00 2024-09-14 22:47:00 2h 3m 118
2024-09-14 10:59:00 2024-09-14 18:29:00 7h 30m 116
2024-09-13 12:59:00 2024-09-14 00:41:00 11h 42m 116
2024-09-13 11:26:00 2024-09-13 12:58:00 1h 32m 116
2024-09-13 10:23:00 2024-09-13 11:25:00 1h 2m 115
2024-09-13 06:55:00 2024-09-13 10:01:00 3h 6m 115
2024-09-12 23:57:00 2024-09-13 06:54:00 6h 57m 114
2024-09-12 15:51:00 2024-09-12 23:54:00 8h 3m 114
2024-09-12 12:55:00 2024-09-12 15:50:00 2h 55m 114
2024-09-12 10:58:00 2024-09-12 12:54:00 1h 56m 113
2024-09-12 10:15:00 2024-09-12 10:40:00 25m 113