
Info Level Experience Last seen

Voc: Druid
Premium status: No
220 +1 170,323,400 +2,365,400 2024-09-29 00:11:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
90 13 Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? ?? ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-09-28 14:58:06 220 a hydra
2024-09-22 19:55:57 219 a hydra and by a stone golem
2024-09-20 17:03:36 217 a hydra
2024-09-01 16:11:20 210 never mayk, by eusolatulaloca and by russ'x
2024-08-30 17:00:59 207 a hydra
2024-08-27 22:23:34 201 a hydra
2024-08-27 07:53:58 200 rey tanque, by faizaver and by chapulin
2024-08-25 10:36:09 200 a hydra and by a stone golem
2024-08-09 14:15:42 195 a hydra
2024-08-09 06:13:42 194 prieto en aprietos, by sir exorcista and by belcebu
2024-08-07 02:46:54 195 mr dollar, by frankie's, by goretti, by handz, by chapoguzman, by diesel dee and by ashton kutcher
2024-08-07 02:32:51 196 nachoek, by bjnor, by yaki chan, by blackdiamond, by ase and by chapoguzman
2024-08-07 02:29:18 198 chapoguzman, by marrito, by blackdiamond, by jot oelque lolea, by leito massacre and by ase
2024-08-07 02:18:18 200 goretti and by redzinha
2024-08-07 02:17:50 201 goretti, by lord itachi, by blackdiamond, by redzinha and by pa glock
2024-08-07 02:14:06 202 blackdiamond, by marrito, by pa glock, by pezones de piedra, by lord itachi and by nachoek
2024-08-07 02:10:10 204 nachoek, by sin yolanda, by akxe, by marrito, by youre dead, by pa glock, by elder yuyu and by chapoguzman
2024-08-02 14:45:42 205 a hydra
2024-08-01 10:47:33 204 a hydra and by a stone golem
2024-08-01 02:16:19 204 cryfrog and by division oriente
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-09-28 09:00:00 219 170,323,400
2024-09-27 09:00:00 219 170,323,400
2024-09-26 09:00:00 219 170,323,400
2024-09-25 09:00:00 219 170,323,400
2024-09-24 09:00:00 219 170,323,400
2024-09-23 09:00:00 219 +2 170,323,400 +4,665,800
2024-09-22 09:00:00 217 165,657,600
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-09-29 11 minutes
2024-09-28 19 hours, 14 minutes
2024-09-27 3 minutes
2024-09-26 0 seconds
2024-09-25 0 seconds
2024-09-24 0 seconds
2024-09-23 2 hours, 3 minutes
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-09-28 20:59:00 2024-09-29 00:12:00 3h 13m 220
2024-09-28 04:45:00 2024-09-28 20:57:00 16h 12m 219
2024-09-27 05:24:00 2024-09-27 05:28:00 4m 219
2024-09-23 03:39:00 2024-09-23 03:49:00 10m 219
2024-09-22 13:28:00 2024-09-23 01:55:00 12h 27m 217
2024-09-21 07:19:00 2024-09-21 07:36:00 17m 217
2024-09-21 02:34:00 2024-09-21 02:39:00 5m 217
2024-09-21 01:28:00 2024-09-21 02:22:00 54m 217
2024-09-20 12:26:00 2024-09-20 23:03:00 10h 37m 216
2024-09-17 05:09:00 2024-09-17 05:16:00 7m 216
2024-09-16 11:07:00 2024-09-16 17:26:00 6h 19m 214
2024-09-15 10:33:00 2024-09-15 22:41:00 12h 8m 210
2024-09-02 05:51:00 2024-09-02 05:55:00 4m 210
2024-09-01 22:37:00 2024-09-01 23:37:00 1h 210
2024-09-01 12:48:00 2024-09-01 22:11:00 9h 23m 207
2024-09-01 12:45:00 2024-09-01 12:47:00 2m 207
2024-09-01 09:18:00 2024-09-01 09:19:00 1m 207
2024-08-31 23:38:00 2024-08-31 23:53:00 15m 207
2024-08-31 11:43:00 2024-08-31 22:00:00 10h 17m 205
2024-08-31 07:32:00 2024-08-31 07:37:00 5m 205