
Info Level Experience Last seen

Voc: Elder Druid
Premium status: No
226 187,342,500 2024-03-30 10:47:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
104 ?? Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
26 40 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-02-18 14:23:44 225 tobby, by ruler, by comandante backside, by mi yogur, by zazkrehknight and by rulercito
2024-02-18 14:20:11 225 comandante backside, by ruler, by rulercito, by caballero solair, by mucryx, by nero and by fremubras
2024-02-18 14:11:57 225 comandante backside, by rulercito, by a medusa and by fire deviil
2024-02-18 13:51:53 225 zazkrehknight, by huza pally, by rulercito, by leito corleone, by desesperation, by nero and by smithson
2024-02-18 13:33:58 225 a frenzied elf
2024-02-18 04:35:14 226 hookah en el mexico, by hacktivist and by a dragon lord
2024-02-18 01:22:29 226 a mythra worshipper and by a mythra guardian
2024-02-18 00:30:50 226 temari nara, by zubzero, by rulercito, by lord palesthina and by dani flow
2024-02-17 22:29:52 226 a mythra guardian and by a mythra worshipper
2024-02-17 20:55:46 226 ashkid, by backside, by rulercito, by a dagger wasp and by vgly
2024-02-17 19:03:33 226 a psychotic elf and by a frenzied elf
2024-02-17 18:49:02 226 a frenzied elf
2024-02-17 18:47:02 227 a mythra guardian and by a mythra worshipper
2024-02-17 16:06:02 226 ragerk zeth, by frankie's, by a mythra guardian and by a dagger wasp
2024-02-17 12:52:17 226 a mythra guardian and by a mythra worshipper
2024-02-17 06:07:18 226 a mythra guardian and by a mythra worshipper
2024-02-17 04:43:51 225 a mythra guardian and by a mythra worshipper
2024-02-17 04:13:28 225 a mythra worshipper and by a mythra guardian
2024-02-07 00:44:22 225 black abyss, by imabeast, by yeshua dios druid, by ingeniero industrial, by speedhack, by division oriente, by mr dollar, by fire deviil, by redzinha, by buendia and by a divine defender
2024-02-07 00:43:02 225 mr dollar, by speedhack, by black abyss, by yeshua dios druid and by buendia
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-06-29 09:00:00 226 187,342,500
2024-06-28 09:00:00 226 187,342,500
2024-06-27 09:00:00 226 187,342,500
2024-06-26 09:00:00 226 187,342,500
2024-06-25 09:00:00 226 187,342,500
2024-06-24 09:00:00 226 187,342,500
2024-06-23 09:00:00 226 187,342,500
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-06-29 0 seconds
2024-06-28 0 seconds
2024-06-27 0 seconds
2024-06-26 0 seconds
2024-06-25 0 seconds
2024-06-24 0 seconds
2024-06-23 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-03-30 00:06:00 still online 91d 7h 44m 226
2024-02-18 21:23:00 2024-02-19 02:26:00 5h 3m 224
2024-02-18 19:05:00 2024-02-18 20:25:00 1h 20m 225
2024-02-18 06:38:00 2024-02-18 10:35:00 3h 57m 225
2024-02-18 04:13:00 2024-02-18 06:30:00 2h 17m 226
2024-02-17 22:39:00 2024-02-18 02:55:00 4h 16m 226
2024-02-17 19:04:00 2024-02-17 22:05:00 3h 1m 225
2024-02-17 18:37:00 2024-02-17 18:52:00 15m 225
2024-02-17 09:26:00 2024-02-17 12:06:00 2h 40m 225
2024-02-17 00:00:00 2024-02-17 08:30:00 8h 30m 225
2024-02-15 10:14:00 still online 134d 21h 36m 224
2024-02-10 19:19:00 still online 139d 12h 31m 224
2024-02-07 05:41:00 still online 143d 2h 9m 225
2024-01-20 00:00:00 2024-01-20 12:03:00 12h 3m 225
2024-01-18 04:18:00 still online 163d 3h 32m 226
2023-12-31 06:12:00 2023-12-31 06:28:00 16m 226
2023-12-27 23:52:00 2023-12-28 00:30:00 38m 227
2023-12-27 04:56:00 2023-12-27 05:54:00 58m 231
2023-12-25 21:04:00 2023-12-25 21:05:00 1m 231
2023-12-18 02:25:00 2023-12-18 05:35:00 3h 10m 231