
Info Level Experience Last seen

Voc: Druid
Premium status: No
259 -1 286,246,800 -3,315,400 2024-09-29 05:34:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
114 24 Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? 40 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-09-28 10:02:14 260 a fury and by a destroyer
2024-09-25 07:27:25 260 a fury and by a destroyer
2024-09-18 09:24:21 259 a medusa
2024-08-23 06:56:03 249 a frost dragon
2024-08-23 05:38:54 249 mvgick, by a sewer spitter, by don kiko, by jomy and by troublesome
2024-08-23 05:32:03 250 a sewer spitter, by a sewer walker and by jomy
2024-08-21 08:55:28 250 a grim reaper, by paradise beach, by gurl powa, by a devil bat and by mvgick
2024-08-21 08:42:23 251 a devil bat, by mvgick, by gurl powa and by a grim reaper
2024-08-21 08:29:01 251 a devil bat and by a grim reaper
2024-08-21 08:23:44 252 a devil bat, by a grim reaper, by a cyclops worker and by a cyclops brute
2024-08-19 03:28:55 251 a serpent spawn, by vaca lola, by luisanyelis, by viet nam pro and by a medusa
2024-08-17 20:40:02 247 a medusa
2024-08-17 10:26:34 247 yeshua and by liloman
2024-08-13 06:42:01 241 kung-fu knight, by magick and by the cojo
2024-08-10 12:18:41 241 a serpent spawn and by a medusa
2024-08-10 00:55:21 241 gordita sexy, by jomy, by o'lli'l o'lil'l o'li'il'i, by nachoek and by galateeah
2024-08-10 00:51:56 242 o'lli'l o'lil'l o'li'il'i, by jomy, by nachoek, by galateeah and by gordita sexy
2024-08-10 00:03:48 242 cocha vacas, by dios, by chuhkra, by luisanyelis, by zaheer, by paradise beach and by galateeah
2024-08-09 23:56:09 242 paradise beach, by dios, by ak leito, by el duende malvado, by chuhkra and by galateeah
2024-08-09 06:52:29 241 an illusion spider, by an illusion poison spider and by an illusion wolf
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-09-28 09:00:00 260 286,246,800
2024-09-27 09:00:00 260 286,246,800
2024-09-26 09:00:00 260 286,246,800
2024-09-25 09:00:00 260 286,246,800
2024-09-24 09:00:00 260 286,246,800
2024-09-23 09:00:00 260 286,246,800
2024-09-22 09:00:00 260 286,246,800
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-09-29 5 hours, 34 minutes
2024-09-28 23 hours, 48 minutes
2024-09-27 18 hours, 46 minutes
2024-09-26 23 hours, 59 minutes
2024-09-25 20 hours, 23 minutes
2024-09-24 23 hours, 42 minutes
2024-09-23 2 hours, 46 minutes
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-09-28 23:17:00 still online 6h 17m 54s 260
2024-09-28 22:57:00 2024-09-28 23:07:00 10m 260
2024-09-28 16:04:00 2024-09-28 22:54:00 6h 50m 259
2024-09-28 06:28:00 2024-09-28 16:02:00 9h 34m 260
2024-09-28 05:57:00 2024-09-28 06:27:00 30m 260
2024-09-27 20:19:00 2024-09-28 05:55:00 9h 36m 260
2024-09-27 00:00:00 2024-09-27 15:07:00 15h 7m 260
2024-09-25 13:10:00 still online 3d 16h 24m 54s 260
2024-09-25 13:03:00 2024-09-25 13:08:00 5m 260
2024-09-24 02:45:00 2024-09-25 09:28:00 1d 6h 43m 260
2024-09-24 02:36:00 2024-09-24 02:40:00 4m 260
2024-09-24 02:22:00 2024-09-24 02:34:00 12m 260
2024-09-24 00:11:00 2024-09-24 02:20:00 2h 9m 260
2024-09-23 21:27:00 2024-09-23 22:00:00 33m 260
2024-09-23 19:13:00 2024-09-23 21:25:00 2h 12m 260
2024-09-22 01:17:00 2024-09-22 21:53:00 20h 36m 260
2024-09-20 00:00:00 2024-09-20 15:46:00 15h 46m 260
2024-09-18 20:12:00 still online 10d 9h 22m 54s 260
2024-09-18 15:27:00 2024-09-18 19:51:00 4h 24m 259
2024-09-18 02:37:00 2024-09-18 15:24:00 12h 47m 258