
Info Level Experience Last seen

Voc: Druid
Premium status: No
268 313,707,200 2024-09-25 05:05:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
104 ?? Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? 28 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-09-24 20:35:32 268 lukipax and by zaheer
2024-09-24 20:09:36 269 a grim reaper, by nitroso, by panchoo villa, by makinaa, by don jamon and by devone varistha
2024-09-17 18:02:01 269 duy, by silver link, by comandante backside and by demoniox
2024-09-12 03:32:04 268 schouten, by silver link, by baby penguin king, by luisanyelis, by jomy, by unio, by heavy tank and by yeshua el dios
2024-09-12 03:30:04 269 schouten, by kamikaze ladan, by luisanyelis, by unio and by jomy
2024-09-12 03:27:14 269 yeshua el dios, by unio, by jomy, by pw pl, by heavy tank and by lukipax
2024-09-12 03:19:22 269 silver link, by heavy tank, by a hellbound bloodwalker, by sin yolanda, by a hellbound bonetamer, by unio and by lukipax
2024-09-09 14:50:54 267 a hellbound headsplitter, by teniente rada and by pollo reeves
2024-09-08 08:19:17 266 a hellbound bloodwalker and by a hellbound headsplitter
2024-09-05 00:46:55 266 axolotl, by silver link, by wichilla de los antrax, by kawaky, by el duende malvado, by comandante backside, by ti-rex and by its ra
2024-09-05 00:41:36 266 el duende malvado, by comandante backside, by kawaky, by jonah style, by ti-rex, by noriega, by wishing well and by its ra
2024-09-05 00:35:36 267 axolotl, by apokalipto, by jomy, by kawaky, by noriega, by comandante backside, by tilin tilin, by el duende malvado, by doctormac and by linea pal wero
2024-09-04 23:53:31 267 silver link and by el rey del corrido
2024-09-03 03:09:07 267 wichilla de los antrax, by fast-maniacko, by don jamon, by kick buttowskii, by elder yuyu, by elder asesino, by jomiy, by silver link, by ima, by comandante backside, by pw pl, by a frazzlemaw, by spinal, by leito massacre and by xanters
2024-09-03 03:03:02 268 wichilla de los antrax, by silver link, by comandante backside, by elder asesino, by don montana, by jomiy, by fast-maniacko, by ak leito, by a silencer, by elder yuyu and by don jamon
2024-09-03 02:57:57 268 wichilla de los antrax, by fast-maniacko, by unio, by imabeast, by ak leito, by a frazzlemaw, by silver link, by mvgick, by kick buttowskii, by a silencer and by a guzzlemaw
2024-09-03 02:38:55 268 jomiy, by don jamon, by comandante backside, by fast-maniacko, by unio, by silver link, by kick buttowskii, by pollo reeves, by a silencer and by pw pl
2024-09-03 02:36:48 269 pw pl, by ak leito, by liloman, by spinal and by comandante backside
2024-09-02 22:53:10 269 pw pl, by linea pal wero, by lomaschenkow and by no lo dudo
2024-09-02 22:46:37 269 liloman, by ak leito and by linea pal wero
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-09-29 09:00:00 268 313,707,200
2024-09-28 09:00:00 268 313,707,200
2024-09-27 09:00:00 268 313,707,200
2024-09-26 09:00:00 268 313,707,200
2024-09-25 09:00:00 268 313,707,200
2024-09-24 09:00:00 268 313,707,200
2024-09-23 09:00:00 268 313,707,200
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-09-29 0 seconds
2024-09-28 0 seconds
2024-09-27 0 seconds
2024-09-26 0 seconds
2024-09-25 3 hours, 46 minutes
2024-09-24 14 minutes
2024-09-23 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-09-25 01:19:00 2024-09-25 05:06:00 3h 47m 268
2024-09-24 01:19:00 2024-09-24 01:22:00 3m 268
2024-09-24 00:32:00 2024-09-24 00:45:00 13m 268
2024-09-22 00:15:00 2024-09-22 00:37:00 22m 268
2024-09-19 06:30:00 2024-09-19 06:32:00 2m 268
2024-09-18 00:05:00 2024-09-18 04:09:00 4h 4m 268
2024-09-17 22:42:00 2024-09-18 00:01:00 1h 19m 268
2024-09-14 23:18:00 2024-09-15 00:05:00 47m 268
2024-09-14 10:08:00 2024-09-14 11:22:00 1h 14m 268
2024-09-14 10:00:00 2024-09-14 10:07:00 7m 268
2024-09-12 23:06:00 2024-09-13 01:29:00 2h 23m 268
2024-09-12 10:49:00 2024-09-12 11:10:00 21m 268
2024-09-12 05:58:00 2024-09-12 09:46:00 3h 48m 267
2024-09-11 09:35:00 2024-09-11 09:36:00 1m 267
2024-09-11 00:03:00 2024-09-11 00:08:00 5m 267
2024-09-10 23:09:00 2024-09-10 23:13:00 4m 267
2024-09-10 03:28:00 2024-09-10 03:59:00 31m 267
2024-09-09 19:15:00 2024-09-09 21:02:00 1h 47m 266
2024-09-08 14:32:00 2024-09-08 20:11:00 5h 39m 266
2024-09-08 11:31:00 2024-09-08 14:19:00 2h 48m 265