Mr Rthz

Info Level Experience Last seen
Mr Rthz

Voc: Druid
Premium status: No
278 +2 342,870,000 +7,562,700 2024-09-28 16:31:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
120 ?? Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? 34 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-09-22 13:20:51 276 a hellbound headsplitter
2024-09-22 10:40:36 276 cydrax, by never mayk, by kamikaze ladan, by chaliithoo, by tythanius and by mata rage
2024-08-27 14:49:02 262 chuhkra, by liloman, by phonex, by schouten, by el binbinasty, by ibur, by eusolatulaloca, by linea pal wero and by legendy
2024-08-20 18:03:21 262 a dragon lord, by a demon, by a behemoth, by a lich, by a fire elemental, by a bonebeast and by a hydra
2024-08-18 20:15:35 260 a grim reaper and by a devil bat
2024-08-18 18:32:20 261 liloman, by spinal, by its ra, by ak crespacho, by arepa power and by winu marr
2024-08-18 18:20:20 261 ak seban, by arepa power, by liloman, by ak crespacho, by mr dollar, by its ra, by spinal and by magick
2024-08-18 13:50:38 261 spinal, by liloman, by rulezinho, by elder yuyu and by its ra
2024-08-17 20:15:03 261 ak crespacho, by grillo boom, by ak dino, by redzinha, by ak seban, by p'diddy, by ak banned, by its ra and by an acolyte of the cult
2024-08-17 20:00:34 261 redzinha, by ak seban, by grillo boom, by legendy, by dinokill, by elder yuyu, by o'lli'l o'lil'l o'li'il'i, by fast-maniacko, by chuhkra, by mr batman and by a gang member
2024-08-10 17:33:05 260 a choking fear, by a silencer, by ak smithson, by a retching horror and by ak crespacho
2024-08-02 21:21:38 259 iceberg slim, by coronel milles, by brokenpapii, by jomy, by alfa mage, by don daniel, by nut bustugh, by winu marr, by magick, by mr batman, by division oriente and by curador de papantla
2024-08-02 21:19:45 259 ice, by coronel milles, by jonah style, by al andalus and by magick
2024-07-31 21:01:45 259 war tochoxxz, by arepa power, by cuatro veinte nino prende, by a deadly spider, by a dagger wasp and by a nightmare
2024-07-31 20:59:47 259 arepa power, by cuatro veinte nino prende, by winu marr, by war tochoxxz, by mr batman, by jonah style and by a deadly spider
2024-07-27 19:25:41 256 arepa power, by gandalf the red, by mexicanito, by alfa mage, by dios and by marrito antrax
2024-07-27 19:19:20 257 dios, by alfa mage, by cuatro veinte nino prende, by war tochoxxz, by gandalf the red and by mexicanito
2024-07-27 19:17:35 257 dios, by alfa mage, by liloman, by cuatro veinte nino prende, by mr batman, by marrito antrax, by legendy, by war tochoxxz, by mexicanito and by don jamon
2024-07-23 22:07:58 256 a blazing demon, by a demon, by a wild tiger, by a cave dweller bandit, by a cultish follower and by a cultish conjurer
2024-07-17 20:50:29 252 black abyss, by magick, by rulezinho, by goat bayter, by p'diddy and by goretti
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-09-29 09:00:00 276 342,870,000
2024-09-28 09:00:00 276 342,870,000
2024-09-27 09:00:00 276 342,870,000
2024-09-26 09:00:00 276 342,870,000
2024-09-25 09:00:00 276 342,870,000
2024-09-24 09:00:00 276 342,870,000
2024-09-23 09:00:00 276 +1 342,870,000 +3,740,200
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-09-29 0 seconds
2024-09-28 2 hours, 47 minutes
2024-09-27 0 seconds
2024-09-26 0 seconds
2024-09-25 0 seconds
2024-09-24 0 seconds
2024-09-23 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-09-28 13:44:00 2024-09-28 16:32:00 2h 48m 276
2024-09-22 18:09:00 2024-09-22 19:22:00 1h 13m 275
2024-09-22 15:31:00 2024-09-22 18:00:00 2h 29m 275
2024-09-21 16:27:00 2024-09-21 17:57:00 1h 30m 274
2024-09-21 13:06:00 2024-09-21 16:25:00 3h 19m 273
2024-09-15 18:51:00 2024-09-15 19:02:00 11m 273
2024-09-15 18:19:00 2024-09-15 18:44:00 25m 273
2024-09-15 13:19:00 2024-09-15 15:25:00 2h 6m 271
2024-09-14 00:19:00 2024-09-15 06:12:00 1d 5h 53m 271
2024-09-13 03:49:00 2024-09-13 13:17:00 9h 28m 271
2024-09-12 00:39:00 2024-09-12 13:17:00 12h 38m 271
2024-09-11 04:31:00 2024-09-11 13:00:00 8h 29m 271
2024-09-10 01:15:00 2024-09-10 13:18:00 12h 3m 271
2024-09-08 00:00:00 2024-09-09 03:51:00 1d 3h 51m 270
2024-09-06 23:06:00 still online 22d 8h 19m 36s 270
2024-09-06 01:28:00 2024-09-06 13:24:00 11h 56m 270
2024-09-04 18:11:00 2024-09-05 07:54:00 13h 43m 270
2024-09-04 14:12:00 2024-09-04 18:09:00 3h 57m 268
2024-09-03 14:59:00 2024-09-03 19:33:00 4h 34m 266
2024-09-03 00:00:00 2024-09-03 10:23:00 10h 23m 266