
Dimensional Prospect

Info Level Experience Last seen
Dimensional Prospect

Voc: Elder Druid
Premium status: No
221 175,076,000 2025-01-24 22:51:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
107 16 Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? 32 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2025-01-23 23:07:54 221 Rubi Salinas, by Jomy, by Black Abyss, by Marshaal'l, by Druid Fussion, by Pourupthewholedamnseal, by Leito El Weledor, by Never Surrende'r, by Copperfield, by Polimenso, by Iceberg Slim, by Sniper Fear, by Watson Get The Phone, by Perro Pug, by Jayy, by Eder Maniacko and by Dino'k , Rubi Salinas, by Jomy, by Black Abyss, by Marshaal'l, by Druid Fussion, by Pourupthewholedamnseal, by Leito El Weledor, by Never Surrende'r, by Copperfield, by Polimenso, by Iceberg Slim, by Hippomakanaochi, by Watson Get The Phone, by Perro Pug, by Jayy, by Eder Maniacko and by Dino'k
2025-01-23 23:03:10 222 Copperfield, by Ruler, by El Mily, by Iceberg Slim, by Never Surrende'r, by Black Abyss, by Sniper Fear, by Jayy, by Jomy, by Rubi Salinas, by Nino Neverfear, by Druid Fussion, by Coronel Milles and by Bustugh Nut
2025-01-23 22:53:47 222 Nino Neverfear, by Ruler, by Never Surrende'r, by Rubi Salinas, by Jomy, by Coronel Milles, by Marshaal'l, by Bustugh Nut, by Phynx, by Copperfield, by Sniper Fear, by Polimenso, by Leito Neverfear and by Crespacho Rulay
2025-01-23 22:51:21 223 Copperfield, by Phynx, by Fast-maniacko, by Always Cross, by Iceberg Slim, by Nino Neverfear, by Imdel, by Leito Neverfear, by Faizaver, by Dino'k, by Spicer De La Guaira, by Bossdawg, by El Terror De Los Nbsiyos, by Spinal and by El Menos Visto
2025-01-23 22:48:36 223 Sniper Fear, by Iceberg Slim, by Bustugh Nut, by Attack Titan, by Coronel Milles and by Phynx
2025-01-23 22:44:51 224 Copperfield, by Sniper Fear, by Iceberg Slim, by Ruler, by Druid Fussion, by Attack Titan, by Rubi Salinas, by Nino Neverfear, by Polimenso and by Marshaal'l
2025-01-23 19:11:51 223 Dino'k, by Crespacho Rulay, by Sr Dollar, by Pourupthewholedamnseal, by Soldier Izann, by Aldric, by Deilings, by Botswana and by Jacinto Canek
2025-01-23 19:07:02 224 Nino Neverfear, by Backside, by Aldric, by Cuatro Veinte Nino Prende, by My Nikka, by Barderos, by Nizyk's, by Five Deadly Venoms, by Vilao Pay Espanca Cranio, by Soldier Izann, by Pourupthewholedamnseal, by Crespacho Rulay and by Yeshuita
2025-01-21 08:27:36 223 a greater wyrm and by Dimensional Prospect
2025-01-20 22:26:19 223 Nachoek, by Shinra Tenseii, by Troublesome, by Never Surrende'r, by a cyclops worker, by a crocolisk, by a wild tiger, by a dark hunter, by Tristan Sir Xavii and by a cyclops brute
2025-01-20 20:35:41 223 Ima, by Nino Nomercy, by War-wolf and by Nitroso
2025-01-20 18:57:22 222 Jacinto Canek, by Ima, by Zjarany Soldier, by Ruler, by a cultish follower, by Five Deadly Venoms and by a cultish necromancer
2025-01-20 17:14:01 222 a cyclops worker, by a cyclops brute, by a crocolisk and by a dark hunter
2025-01-20 16:37:51 222 Domador De Drakens, by O'ili'l O'ili'l, by Rulercito, by Nurse, by a cultish necromancer, by a wild tiger, by a cultish follower, by a cultish conjurer and by a dark hunter
2025-01-20 15:13:08 221 Royal Army, by Flug, by Barderos and by Moral Decline
2025-01-20 13:33:09 220 Phynx, by Your Stepfather, by Little Comandate Backside, by Royal Army, by Mr Batman, by Dud Makbro and by Wall Point
2025-01-05 19:12:46 221 a cyclops worker and by a cyclops brute
2025-01-05 15:20:49 219 ma gick , by sniper fear , by twiligthh , by korkad helare , by ruler , by no lo dudo , by dimensional prospect and by zayden el diablo
Last 10 kills
Date Victim level Victim
2025-01-23 18:22:20 82 Crespachon
2025-01-23 18:22:10 82 Crespachon
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2025-03-23 09:00:00 221 175,076,000
2025-03-22 09:00:00 221 175,076,000
2025-03-21 09:00:00 221 175,076,000
2025-03-20 09:00:00 221 175,076,000
2025-03-19 09:00:00 221 175,076,000
2025-03-18 09:00:00 221 175,076,000
2025-03-17 09:00:00 221 175,076,000
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2025-03-23 0 seconds
2025-03-22 0 seconds
2025-03-21 0 seconds
2025-03-20 0 seconds
2025-03-19 0 seconds
2025-03-18 0 seconds
2025-03-17 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2025-01-24 22:51:00 2025-01-24 22:52:00 1m 221
2025-01-24 21:07:00 2025-01-24 22:49:00 1h 42m 221
2025-01-24 05:05:00 2025-01-24 09:35:00 4h 30m 221
2025-01-23 22:02:00 2025-01-24 05:03:00 7h 1m 222
2025-01-23 15:27:00 2025-01-23 15:46:00 19m 222
2025-01-22 22:48:00 2025-01-22 22:49:00 1m 222
2025-01-22 17:00:00 2025-01-22 17:03:00 3m 222
2025-01-22 12:34:00 2025-01-22 12:35:00 1m 222
2025-01-22 10:29:00 2025-01-22 10:31:00 2m 222
2025-01-22 03:08:00 2025-01-22 03:12:00 4m 222
2025-01-22 03:05:00 2025-01-22 03:06:00 1m 222
2025-01-22 02:34:00 2025-01-22 02:36:00 2m 222
2025-01-21 19:43:00 2025-01-21 19:44:00 1m 222
2025-01-21 19:34:00 2025-01-21 19:37:00 3m 222
2025-01-21 13:58:00 2025-01-21 17:21:00 3h 23m 223
2025-01-21 08:15:00 2025-01-21 08:16:00 1m 223
2025-01-21 07:55:00 2025-01-21 07:57:00 2m 223
2025-01-21 07:45:00 2025-01-21 07:48:00 3m 223
2025-01-20 23:11:00 2025-01-21 07:13:00 8h 2m 222
2025-01-20 21:30:00 2025-01-20 22:38:00 1h 8m 221
Level change history
219 2025-01-01 220 2025-01-06 223 2025-01-21 221 2025-01-24