Players scanner

Enter the name of the player you want to find his other characters:

How does it work? Because I store the login and logout times of each character, I can compare the times of a specific player with other players. If player A logs out at 18:05, and in the same (+/- 1) minute player B logs in, and if player B logs out at 12:00, for example, and in the same (+/- 1) minute player A logs in, and such a situation repeats many times, then we can assume that player A and B are the same person. The score column shows the number of such situations from the last five months.

It is worth noting that the data is based only on publicly available data, so the risk of incorrect data is high. The tool is not intended to clearly indicate a connection between characters, but only a slight indication, so I do not support passing a death sentence on someone based solely on data from this page. It's a good practice to perform a scan on your own on the suggested characters too. This can help to confirm or discard matches.