Highscores list

Experience | Magic level | Magic power | Fist | Club | Sword | Axe | Dist | Shield | Fish

All | Sorcerers | Druids | Paladins | Knights | Rookstayers

Name Skill level
151 Esfolador De Butico (101 EK) 10
152 Liiptonek (57 ED) 10
153 Lepko (35 MS) 10
154 Leyenda (91 MS) 10
155 Lezufe (129 MS) 10
156 Lhe Arrebenta (108 MS) 10
157 Liberdade Para Venezuela (27 ED) 10
158 Liipe The Bruto (9 P) 10
159 Lililililiil (61 MS) 10
160 Leodog (72 EK) 10
161 Lililililli (56 MS) 10
162 Lilith Walker (157 ED) 10
163 Lilmac (121 EK) 10
164 Lince (107 MS) 10
165 Lince Negra (110 MS) 10
166 Lipe The Bruto (38 P) 10
167 Leogod (56 P) 10
168 Legoolas (142 MS) 10
169 Lockheed (57 RP) 10
170 Laawkz (42 P) 10
171 Kurwaq'Ot (39 K) 10
172 Kyna (8 K) 10
173 La Buchanguilla (35 MS) 10
174 La Chalupa (41 P) 10
175 La Nena (34 P) 10
176 Laatmijmetrust (39 ED) 10
177 Lady'mistica (8 P) 10
178 Le Profe (77 MS) 10
179 Lako (105 MS) 10
180 Lal (181 ED) 10
181 Lambari'Archer (8 P) 10
182 Lambert Holbox (8 K) 10
183 Lana Rhoades (82 RP) 10
184 Lapadanaraxada (78 MS) 10
185 Lawks (91 EK) 10
186 Littish (41 MS) 10
187 Locochon (56 K) 10
188 Kulturysta Wiezienny (154 EK) 10
189 Luu'zerodoze (25 D) 10
190 Lulu Sicredi (8 P) 10
191 Lulu's Sicredi (8 P) 10
192 Luluzera Sicredi (38 P) 10
193 Lunaa (61 ED) 10
194 Lundgrens Gul (53 ED) 10
195 Lunita (61 K) 10
196 Lynxo (134 RP) 10
197 Lukno (38 MS) 10
198 Ma'do (130 ED) 10
199 Maarian (148 MS) 10
200 Maciej (83 EK) 10