Top 100 powergamers list

The data presented below may be skewed upwards due to errors that occurred in the past, when a day was omitted from the calculations and then changes from several days were added to one day. However, for informational purposes, the tab remains and will be refreshed daily.

Name Experience Record data
Nori God Mode +774,951,907 2024-11-25, 361 lvl
Hiroxman +645,283,328 2024-12-04, 340 lvl
Ed Kaczynski +452,559,143 2024-11-30, 302 lvl
Artificial Intelligence +365,476,978 2024-12-07, 283 lvl
Kid Buu +343,090,671 2025-01-05, 389 lvl
Sir'Pix +337,553,970 2024-12-03, 289 lvl
Hellwing +327,727,152 2024-11-29, 271 lvl
Baziazi +290,982,659 2024-11-24, 261 lvl
Mobydiick +288,331,522 2025-01-05, 430 lvl
Sir Pixx +281,116,011 2024-11-28, 258 lvl
Mily Facet +276,371,603 2025-01-05, 401 lvl
Czternastkaa +271,263,571 2024-12-01, 255 lvl
Jenny From The Block +270,790,213 2024-12-03, 255 lvl
Keesh +257,685,573 2024-11-18, 251 lvl
Hurricane'ms +257,133,329 2024-11-01, 250 lvl
Tempo Eros +197,892,155 2024-11-08, 230 lvl
Stokkish +190,255,746 2024-12-01, 227 lvl
Puf +183,881,204 2025-01-09, 404 lvl
Legend P'V'P God Paradise Vip +163,854,374 2025-01-05, 433 lvl
Abarione +162,449,320 2025-01-05, 359 lvl
O N D +160,318,454 2024-11-15, 214 lvl
Puf +156,999,195 2025-01-05, 354 lvl
Garagee +140,118,894 2024-12-10, 263 lvl
Maolahre +135,553,013 2024-11-14, 203 lvl
Xing Xing Monkey +125,882,326 2025-01-05, 319 lvl
Fiduma +125,668,407 2025-01-05, 303 lvl
Raveen +125,628,298 2024-11-10, 222 lvl
Xespozito +119,774,063 2024-11-21, 194 lvl
Tander'ek +116,735,369 2024-11-15, 195 lvl
Brudny Klimat +105,883,293 2024-12-15, 187 lvl
T-bag +100,066,378 2024-11-28, 395 lvl
Nori God Mode +97,113,443 2025-01-05, 414 lvl
Kilo Knight Ciupas To Pet +95,908,163 2024-11-22, 253 lvl
Axemaster +91,580,092 2025-01-05, 330 lvl
Merbinho +91,096,459 2025-01-05, 288 lvl
Puf +89,470,817 2025-01-06, 368 lvl
Syrox +88,792,345 2024-11-29, 179 lvl
Biruleibe +84,621,653 2025-01-05, 277 lvl
Artyysta +80,533,924 2024-11-20, 216 lvl
Puf +79,847,846 2025-01-17, 438 lvl
Freszhfrozen +76,066,486 2025-01-05, 308 lvl
Fernando Su-cre +74,560,776 2024-11-28, 335 lvl
Miotacz Beltow +73,676,735 2025-01-09, 357 lvl
Nidex +73,212,470 2024-11-10, 176 lvl
Tony Montaana +70,501,801 2024-11-20, 163 lvl
T-bag +68,894,372 2024-11-26, 375 lvl
Topg Vnm +67,505,004 2024-11-15, 167 lvl
T-bag +66,886,512 2024-10-25, 161 lvl
Icardi +66,112,551 2024-10-31, 160 lvl
Pyrena God Mode +65,748,182 2024-12-14, 416 lvl
Piter Lord +65,746,830 2025-01-05, 232 lvl
Din Mammas Tutte +65,154,194 2024-11-01, 163 lvl
Kwasny Kompot +64,899,104 2025-01-05, 330 lvl
Pallynft +64,619,981 2024-12-26, 412 lvl
Pyrena God Mode +63,625,212 2025-01-13, 449 lvl
Pyrena God Mode +63,271,072 2024-12-08, 395 lvl
Quattroo +62,865,217 2024-12-23, 427 lvl
Abarione +61,922,554 2025-01-14, 391 lvl
Puf +61,444,193 2024-12-19, 295 lvl
Pyrena God Mode +60,989,071 2024-12-15, 423 lvl
Xcrazymariox +60,930,992 2024-10-23, 156 lvl
Nexu +60,696,410 2024-11-24, 163 lvl
Pyrena God Mode +60,342,070 2025-01-12, 442 lvl
Mobydiick +59,974,019 2025-01-17, 462 lvl
Rafbit +59,798,367 2024-11-15, 164 lvl
Quattroo +58,630,010 2024-12-27, 441 lvl
Konoplyanka +58,622,793 2025-01-17, 361 lvl
Pallynft +57,530,992 2024-12-27, 419 lvl
Quattroo +56,791,686 2024-12-06, 351 lvl
Huff +56,384,232 2025-01-17, 345 lvl
Thundero +56,353,340 2024-11-24, 270 lvl
Fernando Su-cre +56,003,481 2024-11-26, 318 lvl
Crowler +55,858,520 2025-01-17, 314 lvl
Pallynft +55,194,183 2025-01-15, 448 lvl
T-bag +55,068,432 2024-11-23, 351 lvl
Abarione +54,412,912 2025-01-15, 398 lvl
Puf +53,504,626 2025-01-07, 376 lvl
Hermeroto +52,479,261 2025-01-05, 224 lvl
Kid Buu +52,475,421 2025-01-12, 422 lvl
Pallynft +52,237,241 2024-12-22, 394 lvl
Aactive Aggression +52,050,513 2024-11-21, 258 lvl
Pallynft +51,289,682 2024-12-20, 381 lvl
Kid Buu +50,518,422 2025-01-07, 400 lvl
Kid Buu +50,395,598 2024-12-26, 334 lvl
Champion Mage +50,373,952 2024-12-01, 153 lvl
Huff +49,640,036 2025-01-14, 329 lvl
Konoplyanka +49,494,844 2025-01-05, 355 lvl
Tirowka +48,954,661 2024-11-11, 309 lvl
T-bag +48,730,176 2024-11-22, 341 lvl
T-bag +48,604,032 2024-11-25, 365 lvl
Crowler +47,831,452 2025-01-05, 264 lvl
Mobydiick +47,649,136 2025-01-10, 445 lvl
Xing Xing Monkey +47,589,409 2025-01-17, 364 lvl
Pudim De Leite +46,887,753 2025-01-05, 288 lvl
Puf +46,580,024 2025-01-11, 413 lvl
Mobydiick +46,502,896 2025-01-09, 440 lvl
Mobydiick +46,242,399 2024-12-24, 389 lvl
Quattroo +46,031,933 2024-12-21, 417 lvl
Quattroo +45,966,101 2024-11-30, 316 lvl
T-bag +45,541,357 2024-11-27, 382 lvl