Top 100 powergamers list
The data presented below may be skewed upwards due to errors that occurred in the past, when a day was omitted from the calculations and then changes from several days were added to one day. However, for informational purposes, the tab remains and will be refreshed daily.
Name | Experience | Record data | |
Nori God Mode | +774,951,907 | 2024-11-25, 361 lvl | |
Hiroxman | +645,283,328 | 2024-12-04, 340 lvl | |
Ed Kaczynski | +452,559,143 | 2024-11-30, 302 lvl | |
Artificial Intelligence | +365,476,978 | 2024-12-07, 283 lvl | |
Kid Buu | +343,090,671 | 2025-01-05, 389 lvl | |
Sir'Pix | +337,553,970 | 2024-12-03, 289 lvl | |
Hellwing | +327,727,152 | 2024-11-29, 271 lvl | |
Baziazi | +290,982,659 | 2024-11-24, 261 lvl | |
Mobydiick | +288,331,522 | 2025-01-05, 430 lvl | |
Sir Pixx | +281,116,011 | 2024-11-28, 258 lvl | |
Mily Facet | +276,371,603 | 2025-01-05, 401 lvl | |
Czternastkaa | +271,263,571 | 2024-12-01, 255 lvl | |
Jenny From The Block | +270,790,213 | 2024-12-03, 255 lvl | |
Keesh | +257,685,573 | 2024-11-18, 251 lvl | |
Hurricane'ms | +257,133,329 | 2024-11-01, 250 lvl | |
Tempo Eros | +197,892,155 | 2024-11-08, 230 lvl | |
Stokkish | +190,255,746 | 2024-12-01, 227 lvl | |
Puf | +183,881,204 | 2025-01-09, 404 lvl | |
Legend P'V'P God Paradise Vip | +163,854,374 | 2025-01-05, 433 lvl | |
Abarione | +162,449,320 | 2025-01-05, 359 lvl | |
O N D | +160,318,454 | 2024-11-15, 214 lvl | |
Puf | +156,999,195 | 2025-01-05, 354 lvl | |
Garagee | +140,118,894 | 2024-12-10, 263 lvl | |
Maolahre | +135,553,013 | 2024-11-14, 203 lvl | |
Xing Xing Monkey | +125,882,326 | 2025-01-05, 319 lvl | |
Fiduma | +125,668,407 | 2025-01-05, 303 lvl | |
Raveen | +125,628,298 | 2024-11-10, 222 lvl | |
Xespozito | +119,774,063 | 2024-11-21, 194 lvl | |
Tander'ek | +116,735,369 | 2024-11-15, 195 lvl | |
Brudny Klimat | +105,883,293 | 2024-12-15, 187 lvl | |
T-bag | +100,066,378 | 2024-11-28, 395 lvl | |
Nori God Mode | +97,113,443 | 2025-01-05, 414 lvl | |
Kilo Knight Ciupas To Pet | +95,908,163 | 2024-11-22, 253 lvl | |
Axemaster | +91,580,092 | 2025-01-05, 330 lvl | |
Merbinho | +91,096,459 | 2025-01-05, 288 lvl | |
Puf | +89,470,817 | 2025-01-06, 368 lvl | |
Syrox | +88,792,345 | 2024-11-29, 179 lvl | |
Biruleibe | +84,621,653 | 2025-01-05, 277 lvl | |
Artyysta | +80,533,924 | 2024-11-20, 216 lvl | |
Puf | +79,847,846 | 2025-01-17, 438 lvl | |
Freszhfrozen | +76,066,486 | 2025-01-05, 308 lvl | |
Fernando Su-cre | +74,560,776 | 2024-11-28, 335 lvl | |
Miotacz Beltow | +73,676,735 | 2025-01-09, 357 lvl | |
Nidex | +73,212,470 | 2024-11-10, 176 lvl | |
Tony Montaana | +70,501,801 | 2024-11-20, 163 lvl | |
T-bag | +68,894,372 | 2024-11-26, 375 lvl | |
Topg Vnm | +67,505,004 | 2024-11-15, 167 lvl | |
T-bag | +66,886,512 | 2024-10-25, 161 lvl | |
Icardi | +66,112,551 | 2024-10-31, 160 lvl | |
Pyrena God Mode | +65,748,182 | 2024-12-14, 416 lvl | |
Piter Lord | +65,746,830 | 2025-01-05, 232 lvl | |
Din Mammas Tutte | +65,154,194 | 2024-11-01, 163 lvl | |
Kwasny Kompot | +64,899,104 | 2025-01-05, 330 lvl | |
Pallynft | +64,619,981 | 2024-12-26, 412 lvl | |
Pyrena God Mode | +63,625,212 | 2025-01-13, 449 lvl | |
Pyrena God Mode | +63,271,072 | 2024-12-08, 395 lvl | |
Quattroo | +62,865,217 | 2024-12-23, 427 lvl | |
Abarione | +61,922,554 | 2025-01-14, 391 lvl | |
Puf | +61,444,193 | 2024-12-19, 295 lvl | |
Pyrena God Mode | +60,989,071 | 2024-12-15, 423 lvl | |
Xcrazymariox | +60,930,992 | 2024-10-23, 156 lvl | |
Nexu | +60,696,410 | 2024-11-24, 163 lvl | |
Pyrena God Mode | +60,342,070 | 2025-01-12, 442 lvl | |
Mobydiick | +59,974,019 | 2025-01-17, 462 lvl | |
Rafbit | +59,798,367 | 2024-11-15, 164 lvl | |
Quattroo | +58,630,010 | 2024-12-27, 441 lvl | |
Konoplyanka | +58,622,793 | 2025-01-17, 361 lvl | |
Pallynft | +57,530,992 | 2024-12-27, 419 lvl | |
Quattroo | +56,791,686 | 2024-12-06, 351 lvl | |
Huff | +56,384,232 | 2025-01-17, 345 lvl | |
Thundero | +56,353,340 | 2024-11-24, 270 lvl | |
Fernando Su-cre | +56,003,481 | 2024-11-26, 318 lvl | |
Crowler | +55,858,520 | 2025-01-17, 314 lvl | |
Pallynft | +55,194,183 | 2025-01-15, 448 lvl | |
T-bag | +55,068,432 | 2024-11-23, 351 lvl | |
Abarione | +54,412,912 | 2025-01-15, 398 lvl | |
Puf | +53,504,626 | 2025-01-07, 376 lvl | |
Hermeroto | +52,479,261 | 2025-01-05, 224 lvl | |
Kid Buu | +52,475,421 | 2025-01-12, 422 lvl | |
Pallynft | +52,237,241 | 2024-12-22, 394 lvl | |
Aactive Aggression | +52,050,513 | 2024-11-21, 258 lvl | |
Pallynft | +51,289,682 | 2024-12-20, 381 lvl | |
Kid Buu | +50,518,422 | 2025-01-07, 400 lvl | |
Kid Buu | +50,395,598 | 2024-12-26, 334 lvl | |
Champion Mage | +50,373,952 | 2024-12-01, 153 lvl | |
Huff | +49,640,036 | 2025-01-14, 329 lvl | |
Konoplyanka | +49,494,844 | 2025-01-05, 355 lvl | |
Tirowka | +48,954,661 | 2024-11-11, 309 lvl | |
T-bag | +48,730,176 | 2024-11-22, 341 lvl | |
T-bag | +48,604,032 | 2024-11-25, 365 lvl | |
Crowler | +47,831,452 | 2025-01-05, 264 lvl | |
Mobydiick | +47,649,136 | 2025-01-10, 445 lvl | |
Xing Xing Monkey | +47,589,409 | 2025-01-17, 364 lvl | |
Pudim De Leite | +46,887,753 | 2025-01-05, 288 lvl | |
Puf | +46,580,024 | 2025-01-11, 413 lvl | |
Mobydiick | +46,502,896 | 2025-01-09, 440 lvl | |
Mobydiick | +46,242,399 | 2024-12-24, 389 lvl | |
Quattroo | +46,031,933 | 2024-12-21, 417 lvl | |
Quattroo | +45,966,101 | 2024-11-30, 316 lvl | |
T-bag | +45,541,357 | 2024-11-27, 382 lvl |