Highscores list

Experience | Magic level | Magic power | Fist | Club | Sword | Axe | Dist | Shield | Fish

All | Sorcerers | Druids | Paladins | Knights | Rookstayers

Name Skill level
1 S One Blz (132 EK) 132
2 Paprykarz (124 EK) 124
3 O'Shea (119 EK) 119
4 Adolf Rifler (109 EK) 109
5 Mobydiick (361 EK) 108
6 Gruby Jeo (8 K) 107
7 Soldado Nube (8 K) 107
8 Hulken (208 EK) 106
9 Mietek Szmaciorski (15 K) 106
10 Legend P'V'P God Paradise Vip (400 EK) 105
11 Rainex (50 EK) 105
12 Lidl Czy Biedronka (67 EK) 105
13 Rra (123 EK) 105
14 Wladekk (84 EK) 105
15 Hlow (133 EK) 105
16 Kay Lionheart (172 EK) 105
17 Teddy Bear (223 EK) 105
18 Suber (138 EK) 105
19 Lagun W Dieslu (8 K) 105
20 Stampoo (102 EK) 105
21 Dancyk (35 EK) 104
22 Lady Of The Dark (88 EK) 104
23 Ol'Dirty Bastard (83 EK) 104
24 Tozik Ecu Master (46 K) 104
25 Pro Oro Disco Polo (178 EK) 104
26 Drdeath (211 EK) 104
27 Uncle Bober (179 EK) 104
28 Xing Xing Monkey (259 EK) 103
29 Hoboman (51 EK) 103
30 Shunda (65 EK) 103
31 Mitrils (154 EK) 103
32 Astrocomet (135 EK) 103
33 Itz Hackamos (83 EK) 103
34 Chapo Gestapo (27 EK) 103
35 Kargen (152 EK) 103
36 Quietus (8 K) 103
37 Veederczi Arives (103 EK) 103
38 Cyrix (58 EK) 103
39 Sean Combes Oil Party (13 K) 103
40 Santil (156 EK) 103
41 Chimpanze Reumatico (34 EK) 102
42 Fufufuriat (97 EK) 102
43 Baba Hasan (51 EK) 102
44 King Rosman (30 K) 102
45 Bambam Realero (36 K) 102
46 Xaras (172 EK) 102
47 Dreadforge (286 EK) 102
48 Wasabi Destroyer (33 K) 102
49 Azamatbagatov (103 EK) 102
50 Chory (336 EK) 102